Today marks my one-year anniversary of posting on Substack! So I’m taking a break from the Psalms Project today and reposting the first post I posted on Substack. Thank you to everyone who subscribed this year!
Inspired by Matthew Henry’s commentary on Adam’s rib, as found in Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves.
Adam’s Bride
God took a rib from Adam’s side
And with it fashioned him a bride.
Adam awoke from heavy sleep,
And met his bride with joy so deep.
No longer was the man alone,
But joined by woman-bone of his bones!
But into sin fell bride and groom,
Bringing death and eternal doom,
But the Second Adam better and true
Came to His whoring bride’s rescue!
Like Eve, she came from her Groom’s side.
Out flowed blood and water when He died.
As Christ slept in death, His bride was formed
That she, to Him, would be conformed.
With blood He bought His whoring bride.
With water, her He purified.
The Groom rose and left to prepare
A place for His bride to join Him there.
With love, He leads her to the cross
She gladly follows, counting all as loss
To know His resurrection power
And His fellowship in sorrow’s hour.
His bride with all of her heart yearns
For the day her Groom King will return
And take her home, forevermore
Where sin will stain her soul no more.
To the end the bride has endured
Now with her Groom and fully pure
Behold the bride in her white dress
Adorned in the Groom’s righteousness!
His foes all lie crushed in defeat.
Now with His bride the Lamb will feast!
Hear the joyful wedding song!
(For all eternity it rings on)
How the Groom left His Father’s side
To win and ravish His dear bride.
The chorus so sweet it is divine:
“I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.”
Oh this is beautiful! And happy anniversary 🎉🥳
Beautiful in speaking of the bride of Christ!